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The PANTHEON project aspires to build improved community disaster resilience by developing a community-based, digital ecosystem for disaster resilience with the conducive help of Smart City Digital Twin (SCDT) technology.  This will lead to a more accurate estimation of potential disasters and their consequences, through deep analysis of regional policies, models and legal/regulatory environments, and build disaster risk management capability of the future.

Over the last 20 years, 7,348 natural disasters have been documented by the International Disasters Database (EM-DAT), serving to highlight the need for, and importance of enabling, enhanced community disaster resilience. Unfortunately, these natural calamities translate to around 1.23 million lives lost and more than 4 billion others gravely affected, and not taking into account biological or technological emergencies, environmental catastrophes alone have led to US$ 2.97 trillion in economic damages worldwide.

Τhe PANTHEON project aims to take current, state-of-the-art disaster resilience models to the next level by developing tools to enable analysis and evaluation of a large variety of issues and criteria, and inform evidence-based policy-making.  In this way, the subsequent community platform will provide communities with enhanced disaster risk management via ‘community-based disaster risk management’ (CBDRM), thanks to the availability of real-time data, thus improving decision-making accuracy and efficiency, both during and after disasters.

As the Project Coordinator, TWI Hellas is responsible for the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms required, the design and development of digital twins, and quality management, as well as leading the participatory design process and pilot use-cases specifications, and ensuring that PANTHEON meets the necessary ethics requirements regarding the use of AI and any potential negative impacts during the project.

Partners:  Airbus , M3 Systems Belgium, Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI), MION Technologies, Future Intelligence, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Practin, ISEM Institute, INTEROPTICS, JOAFG, Epsilon Malta, Institut de Seguretat Publica de Catalunya, Hellenic Police, KEMEA, Crisis Management State Academy,

PANTHEON is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme.

